
Posts Tagged ‘Networking’

Twitter is an open communication tool that break all the barriers to have clear, easy and fast communication. If you want to improve your communication skills then your tweets should be heard.

You can have hundreds and hundreds of new Twitter followers starting today, and it won’t cost you anything. You can have all the glory, benefits and  POWER of more Twitter Followers.

I suggest the following Twitter personalities to build a brand that gets you more followers.

Creativity: Don’t just re-tweets, have the creativity to create a brand new tweet from your followers tweet.

Creative Tweet


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I was watching the news when it ends with a report about festival of Twins. It was interesting to see twins from all ages. I Google twins and find that twins are cerebrating twins days every year. At that moment, I was thinking, what is the feeling to have someone looks like you? And how can people differentiate you from your brother or sister? In today’s tough job market, we are struggling to differentiate our self from thousands of jobseekers so having a twin that applying (may be) for the same job can be a problem!

Picture from twinsdays.org

Before sharing my tips, I remembered a story when I was at the primary school in Baghdad, Iraq. Our class soccer team qualified to the final game. One of our defenders is a twin of his brother, he was a key player in the team and did tremendous job. It was the day of the final game and we are well prepared and so was Omar (defender), the game started and we play very good but Omar was not on his day, I was shouting on him a lot as I standing behind him as the goalkeeper, we lost 2-1 and Omar was the reason for two goals! Days passed and accidentally I discovered that Omar had a three leave days for medical treatment and that started from the day before our game! I was shocked how that happened! I knew his brother was in another class! I talked with Omar and he told me the truth, Ali (his brother) was the one who played and not him, he just didn’t want to make the team disappointment playing without him. Despite the loss, it was a courage spirit from Ali and team awareness from Omar, they are great twins.

Here are some personal branding tips that can help you differentiate yourself from your brother or sister and can help people recognize you more quickly. If you are happy being identical twin then just skip this post & enjoy your day 🙂

Be Memorable: Develop a habit that people can remember and distinguish you from your twin. You can have different hair style; you can play sports and become a champion, if you play soccer – you can use tricks and keep doing it at each game; you can play guitar; you can dye your hair with red color and finally don’t do what I’ve just told you about your hair.

Gratitude Everyone: The need for appreciation is a deep subconscious desire of every person you meet. Express gratitude and appreciation whenever possible simply by saying “Thank You”.

“Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings you and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.” Eileen Caddy

Be Interesting: Dan Schawbel wrote in The Five Laws of Being an Interesting Brand “The more visibility you have, the more your brand can uncover who is interested in you. You need to aggressively promote yourself so that more and more people know about you, therefore you further the chances that people will take interest in you.”


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I inspired this post after reading Chris Brogan’s post about Three Changes I Wish Facebook Would Make I have come across more things that I wish Facebook would add or do it differently. I couldn’t find a way to contact  Facebook directly for suggestions so If you know, please pass it to them or let me know how in the comment box.

Four Changes I Wish Facebook Would Make

1 If I like a status or link to informative resources, I have either to retweet it immediately or bookmark the link for future reading. A small favorite icon will  let us have a great hub of resources on the Facebook network.


2 – Add two security questions  to answer prior to change Facebook password or Email. In case your Email, Facebook account  or Fan page compromised, no one will able to change your password and your account can be restored back at any time.

3 – Sometimes I have question but as soon as I update my status, the question went down and I have to write it again. I would recommend to add re-publish or a stick bottom for status update to keep the status at the top no matter how many times I change my status.


4 – One time I had around 20 notifications for a photo I commented on,  it was a chat between two of  my friends and that continued for 3 days! It is OK to get notifications but it annoying sometimes. I would suggest adding “Stop Tracking Notifications” for each notification I get involved in.

What do you think? Do you need those things on your Facebook profile?

Have a Great Day!


Retweet Code: RT @BrandMyCareer Four Changes I Wish Facebook Would Make http://wp.me/py0kh-fl

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